Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Adventures Abound!

     One of the most challenging part of raising kids is how much everything costs.  Something that frustrates me incredibly is finding fun, mind stirring things to do with my kiddos.  I get so tired of tv, video games and sitting around the house.  However, with a family of five, it seems like anytime I find something good, it would cost us a fortune.  So, I am always on the prowl for fun and different things to do and I am always hoping for free...or at least very inexpensive!
     My first night in this new town, what was I doing?  Googling "free things to do in Seattle" and I am very impressed!  There are many things to do and see and I cannot wait to share them all with you!  A great way to save money, no matter where you are is to search for fun, inexpensive things to do in your town!  There is nothing like a Saturday afternoon adventure that does not empty your wallet!  So get on that computer and search for something different to do this weekend!

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